비트코인이 BRICS 국가의 달러화 해제 노력에 대한 해답이 될 수 있을까요?

  • NDB는 현재 ‘달러화 해제’를 위해 현지 통화 사용을 확대하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
  • 비트코인은 차세대 기축통화가 될 수 있습니다

저는 글로벌 금융 및 경제 분야에서 20년 이상의 경험을 보유한 노련한 분석가로서 전 세계 통화 및 금융 시스템의 쇠퇴와 흐름을 목격했습니다. 최근 신개발은행(NDB)이 현지 통화 사용을 확대하겠다고 발표한 것은 실제로 탈달러화를 향한 중요한 진전이며, BRICS 국가들 사이에서 이러한 움직임이 탄력을 받는 것을 보는 것은 매우 흥미롭습니다.

얼마 전 브릭스 국가 국제자치포럼에 세계 120개국이 참가했습니다. 이 행사에 이어 신개발은행은 제9차 연차총회를 개최했습니다. NDB의 딜마 호세프(Dilma Rousseff) 총재가 은행이 현지 통화 사용을 늘리기 위해 노력하고 있다고 말한 후 이 행사에 대해 오늘의 헤드라인이 떠들썩합니다. 이는 종종 미국 달러에 대한 의존도를 줄이기 위한 노력으로 해석될 수 있습니다. -달러화.

따라서 질문은 – 이것이 비트코인에 무엇을 의미하는가?

호세프에 따르면,

국립은행의 주요 업무는 현지 통화로 이루어집니다.

국제적인 운동?

The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years.

“결제 옵션이 늘어나고 취약점이 줄어듭니다.”

세계의 대다수가 아직 미국 달러 사용에서 벗어나지 않았다는 점을 기억하는 것이 중요합니다. Atlantic Council의 달러 지배력 모니터(Dollar Dominance Monitor)에 따르면 미국 달러는 전 세계 외환 보유액의 약 58%를 차지하며, 모든 국제 외환 거래의 약 88%를 통제합니다.

비트코인이 BRICS 국가의 달러화 해제 노력에 대한 해답이 될 수 있을까요?

연구자로서 내 관점에서 볼 때, 달러화 축소는 가까운 미래나 심지어 중기적으로 일어날 것으로 예상할 수 있는 일이 아니라는 것이 분명합니다. 그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 자국 경제의 달러화 축소를 향한 중국의 상당한 진전을 인정하는 것이 중요합니다.

비트코인이 BRICS 국가의 달러화 해제 노력에 대한 해답이 될 수 있을까요?

대신, 이러한 추세가 장기간에 걸쳐 지속될 가능성이 높습니다. 전 세계 외환보유액 중 미국 달러가 차지하는 비중이 지난 8년 동안 65.3%에서 58.8%로 크게 감소했다는 점을 고려하면 이는 특히 그렇습니다. 더욱이 많은 국가, 특히 브릭스와 관련된 국가들은 가격이 상승함에도 불구하고 금을 매입해 왔습니다.

비트코인이 BRICS 국가의 달러화 해제 노력에 대한 해답이 될 수 있을까요?

안전한 피난처이자 가치 저장 수단으로서의 금의 명성은 특히 코로나19가 발생한 이후 2019년 이후 크게 높아졌습니다. 이러한 관심 급증은 금과 같이 유사한 특성을 공유하는 다른 자산으로도 확대되었습니다. 최근에는 비트코인과 암호화폐가 이러한 속성을 지닌 또 다른 자산군으로 등장했습니다.

비트코인이 구출되나요?

예를 들어, 러시아와 이란과 같은 국가에서는 국제 제재의 영향을 줄이기 위한 방법으로 비트코인 ​​및 비트코인 ​​채굴을 활용하기 시작했습니다. 특히 러시아는 현재 이러한 디지털 거래가 국경을 넘어 어떻게 촉진될 수 있는지 결정하기 위해 암호화폐 거래 플랫폼을 실험하고 있습니다.

브릭스는 개별 기업과 마찬가지로 과거 ‘브릭스 통화’ 설립 논의를 계기로 금을 담보로 하는 디지털 화폐 도입에 관심을 보여왔다.

이러한 열정 외에도 수많은 국가에서 비트코인을 국가 예비 자산으로 축적하여 엘살바도르를 모방하는 데 큰 관심을 표명하고 있습니다. 2021년 부켈레 대통령은 이 결정에 대해 세계은행, IMF와 같은 기관의 비판에도 불구하고 미국 달러에서 경제를 분리하려는 목표로 이러한 움직임을 제안했습니다.

2024년은 MicroStrategy 및 Metaplanet과 같은 주요 기업이 암호화폐에 도전하는 새로운 환경을 제시합니다. 더욱이, 비트코인과 이더리움 ETF(상장지수펀드)는 월스트리트에서 큰 주목을 받아 이 자산 클래스에 대한 기관의 관심이 높아지고 있음을 나타냅니다.

종합적으로, 이러한 발전은 가까운 미래에 암호화폐의 잠재적인 급증을 의미합니다. BRICS 국가가 미국 달러와의 연결을 끊고 현재 USD 유동성의 일부만 암호화폐로 전환한다면 시장 환경이 극적으로 바뀔 수 있습니다.

2024-09-03 21:08