생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등

내 소견으로는 이 참가자들은 비록 잠깐이기는 하지만 확실히 Survivor에 자신의 흔적을 남겼습니다. 그들 각자는 회복력, 정직함, 순수한 매력 등 게임에 고유한 무언가를 가져왔으며, 그들의 이야기는 지속적인 영향을 미치기 위해 모든 사람이 최우수상을 받을 필요는 없다는 사실을 상기시켜 줍니다.

백만 달러를 놓고 경쟁하는 모든 참가자가 결국 승리하는 것은 아니기 때문에 “Survivor”와 같은 현실 경쟁 쇼는 무자비할 수 있습니다. 대신에 많은 사람들이 가장 먼저 제거됩니다.

American Survivor의 47시즌 동안 총 46명이 처음으로 횃불이 꺼진 적이 있습니다(Francesca Hogi는 이 일을 두 번 경험한 유일한 예외입니다). 일부 참가자는 단 한 시간 동안만 나타나고 생존자 역사의 연대기에서 길을 잃어 무명 상태로 사라집니다. 그러나 Survivor 47에서 첫 번째로 탈락한 참가자인 Jon Lovett의 설명에 따르면 다른 사람들은 자신의 출연을 “훌륭하고 잊을 수 없는 에피소드”로 만들었으며 수년 동안 우리의 기억 속에 각인될 것입니다.

불행도 그 혼합에 중요한 역할을 합니다. 예를 들어, Jim Lynch는 11시간 동안의 여행, 부상, 여러 차례의 메스꺼움으로 인해 해고되었습니다. 마찬가지로 끔찍한 플레이도 게임의 일부입니다. 예를 들어 Survivor 46의 David Jelinsky를 예로 들어 보겠습니다.

Survivor U.S. 역사상 가장 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠를 보려면 계속 스크롤하세요.

소냐 크리스토퍼

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
You have to start with Sonja, the first player ever voted out of Survivor in season 1. As the oldest woman of the Tagi tribe, her performance in the immunity challenge made her fellow castaways view her as a liability. She took the vote-out in stride, smiling after host Jeff Probst snuffed her torch. She also offered some words of encouragement to the other players as she left. “Go get ‘em, you guys,” she said.

티나 웨슨

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
The controversial winner of season 2 returned for season 8, Survivor: All-Stars, only to be the first player voted out. When her tribe lost the first immunity challenge, her tribemates targeted her and season 3 winner Ethan Zohn because they had already won the game. While Ethan was able to avoid receiving any votes, Tina wasn’t as lucky. She returned for season 27, Survivor: Blood vs. Water, where she played with her daughter, Katie Collins. Tina placed fourth on that season.

짐 린치

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Though Jim didn’t leave Survivor: Guatemala until the first Tribal Council, he lost the game right at the start, becoming one of three players to endure a fit of vomiting during the initial 11-mile hike to camp. As a 63-year-old, that was a sign of weakness. So was his bicep injury during the first immunity challenge. It made him a unanimous first boot.

티나 쉬어

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Tina’s vote-out on Survivor: Exile Island, season 12, was brutal not because of what happened in the game but her backstory. Tina was supposed to appear on Survivor: Guatemala the previous season, but she withdrew after her son was killed in a car accident the week before she was supposed to leave to begin filming. CBS gave her another chance, and though media and fans both saw her as a preseason favorite, she went home at the first Tribal.
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스티브 ‘치킨’ 모리스

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Another instance of the older player being targeted first, Chicken was the first to go in Survivor: China, the show’s 15th season. He rubbed his tribemates the wrong way in camp with a perceived negative attitude and controlling nature as the tribe built its shelter. Other players seemed to not appreciate him sharing his criticisms without offering solutions or much help around camp. Seventeen years later, Chicken remains one of the players that has fans asking “what could have been?” if they had a chance to see him play for more than one episode.

마리사 칼리한

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Marisa is another who had the strategic chops to make some noise if she stuck around. Her mistake came in calling out Russell Hantz’ strategy of inducing chaos. Seeing through Russell’s “dumbass girls” alliances, she tried to paint a target on his back. Russell, however, succeeded in flipping it back on her, and she was blindsided at the first Tribal Council.

프란체스카 호기

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Francesca has the honor (or onus) of being the only player in Survivor history to twice be voted out first. In her first season, Survivor: Redemption Island (season 22), franchise legend and eventual season winner “Boston” Rob Mariano helped engineer her ouster after a contentious post-immunity challenge afternoon at camp. When she returned four seasons later in Survivor: Caramoan, she tried to get back at Phillip Sheppard, who she blamed in part for her vote-out the first time around. Instead, her strategizing painted a target on her back and Jeff again snuffed her torch first.

제인 나이트

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
It turns out asking to be voted out is not a good strategy to avoid being voted out of Survivor. Zane tried that in season 25, Survivor: Philippines, telling his tribemates that his poor performance (and needing to be physically helped to the end) in the immunity challenge meant he deserved to go. His goal was to see who was loyal to him, given that he made alliances with most everyone at camp. The plan backfired and he was voted out unanimously.

나탈리 앤더슨

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Natalie is a notable first boot from season 40, Winners at War, because she somehow still almost won the game. After being voted out, Natalie went to Edge of Extinction, where she eventually fought her way back into the game. She made it to the end, even earning four votes in the final Tribal Council, losing to Tony Vlachos.

한나 로즈

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Hannah didn’t have to be the first boot from Survivor 45. She struggled to adjust to life in Fiji, however, saying even before Tribal that she wanted to quit. When her tribe lost the first immunity challenge, she gave her fellow castaways an ultimatum: Vote me out or I quit. She admitted her heart and mind were not in the game, but she wanted to watch the rest of her tribe compete “from the comfort of [her] home.” She added, “Everything in my body is like, ‘I’m not going back to that camp.” She got her wish.

데이비드 젤린스키

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Real Survivor fans can name all “several” reasons Jelinsky only lasted one episode. His disastrous stay in Fiji began when he volunteered for the “Sweat vs. Savvy” challenge on day 1 to earn supplies for his tribe. When he realized how difficult the challenge would be, he decided it would be best to conserve his energy and quit, frustrating the rest of his tribe — including the outspoken Q, his teammate for the task.The next day, he volunteered to go on a journey with players from two other tribes to try and gain an advantage. In a game meant to test one’s persuasion and poker face, he folded immediately, claiming it was more valuable to build trust with the two other players. He also pitched himself as an expert puzzle-solver but lost the first two competitions for his tribe by being unable to solve them. He was voted out unanimously.

존 러벳

생존자의 전설적인 첫 번째 부츠: Francesca, Jelinsky 등
Jon falls under a similar category as the former pro athletes who have played Survivor in the past; he was already famous before the show began. That didn’t initially make him a target, but his tribemates quickly saw him demonstrate the strategic thinking and communicative chops that landed him a job in the White House and now as host of one of the most popular podcasts in the country. When fellow tribe member Andy Rueda nearly passed out during the immunity challenge, then spilled all of his secrets in front of the entire cast, he seemed like an easy out. Jon overplayed his hand, however, because of the relationship he developed with Andy during the first two days. When he tried to flip the vote onto Anika Dhar, he inadvertently showed why he was a bigger threat to the tribe than Andy.

2024-09-21 00:24